Giving back by cleaning up
Scouts and families from both Troops helped clean the Martin Luther King Jr Shoreline today, picking up trash and beautifying the area. Great way to give service.
“ Thank you all for coming to the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service at the Martin Luther King Shoreline Arrowhead Marsh. We worked together to remove hundreds of pounds of litter from our waterways and bay. As Dr. King said, “The time is always ripe to do right.” I’m thankful to the members of our troop who came out to honor Dr. King’s memory and to help our environment at the same time. As Scouts, selfless service should be the primary thing that we all should strive to do. Without it, we’re just a camping club. As a service project coordinator, I challenge ALL of you to do more for your planet, communities, neighborhoods, and streets. Do it even if you don’t need service hours for rank advancement or for merit badges. Do it because this is your country and because you are Scouts! ”
— ASM Mr. Truong